Sermons by Steve Heaster

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Inconvenient Truths (Part II) At Cowan’s Gap


Steve’s sermon continues a series on the inconvenient truths of Jesus Christ.  Today’s sermon is at Cowan’s Gap State Park pavilion #2.   The first inconvenient truth was that God is not mocked.  Ga 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  Today’s inconvenient truth is […]

Inconvenient Truths


Steve’s sermon starts in Galatians 6:7 to start a series on the inconvenient truths of Jesus Christ. The first inconvenient truth is  that God is not mocked.  Ga 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

This Present Evil World


Outside in the church’s pavilion for Father’s Day,  Steve’s sermon continues in Galatians 1:3&4 where Paul describes the world 2,000 years ago as “This Present Evil World” and how Paul’s world view was different from the people of his time because of his biblical world view he had.   Steve’s sermon then compares our biblical world […]

A Biblical World View Or World View?


Steve’s sermon starts in Galatians 1:3&4 where Paul describes the world 2,000 years ago as “This Present Evil World” and how Paul’s world view was different from the people of his time because of his biblical world view he had.   Steve’s sermon then compares our biblical world view with non-christian’s world view of today and […]



Steve’s sermon looks into John 16 and Acts 4 & 5 to look at the biblical response to the persecution of Christians.