When I Am Weak That Is When I Am Strong


Steve’s sermon is in Isaiah 36 to look over the story of when Hezekiah comes up against Sennacherib king of Assyria who was trying to take over Jerusalem. When we are weak God is strong.  When we lean on yourselves we will fall but if we lean on God we will stand strong against any […]

False Teachers


Steve’s sermon is in Jeremiah 23 and other parts of the Bible to show where apostasy ends.  There were false teachers in Jeremiah’s day and there is also false teachers today in the world.  Which teacher are you going to follow the one, true God that teaches truth or the false teachers in the world […]

Zechariah (Part III)


Steve’s sermon continues a series in Zechariah in chapter 11.  The series is on how God remembers his people and promises to his people which is what Zechariah means (God remembers).

Zechariah (Part II)


Steve’s sermon continues a series in Zechariah in chapter 11.  The series is on how God remembers his people and promises to his people which is what Zechariah means (God remembers).

Zechariah (Part I)


Steve’s sermon starts a series in Zechariah in chapter 11.  The series is on how God remembers his people and promises to his people which is what Zechariah means (God remembers).

Life is a Marathon


Dave LeBeau is filling in for Steve today.  Dave’s sermon is in Hebrews 12:1-3 and other verses in the Bible to look at how our lives are in a race/marathon.  Asking the question where are we in this race called life.