A Prophet Like Moses Part II


Steve’s sermon continues to take a look at Moses.  A prophet that lead Israel out of Egypt from slavery and how Moses was an intercessor for them with God.  Does this remind you of someone who intercedes for us with God and saved us?

A Prophet Like Moses Part I


Steve’s sermon takes a look at Moses.  A prophet that lead Israel out of Egypt from slavery and was an intercessor for them with God.  Does this remind you of someone who intercedes for us with God and saved us?

Making Disciples


Don Schier joined us for morning worship to share about his ministry and about making disciples for Christ.



Steve’s sermon looks into Ezekiel 2 to see when Ezekiel was sent by God to tell the children of Israel the truth.  He wants him to a leader of the people and not a follower.  Are you going to be a leader or a follower?

Truth (Part II)


Steve’s sermon continues to look into Ezekiel 2 and 3 to see when Ezekiel was sent by God to tell the children of Israel the truth.  He wants him to a leader of the people and not a follower.  Are you going to be a leader or a follower?

Back to the Basics


Steve’s sermon looks into I Timothy 1:15 and other verses to show us that we need to get back to the basics as a church and a nation.

Believer’s Judgement


Steve’s sermon looks into John 1:29 and other verses throughout the Bible to go into understanding the believer’s judgement.  Just because we are saved by grace doesn’t mean we are not going to be judged by God if we sin.

Middle East II


Steve’s sermon continues to look into the old testament of the Bible in Ezekiel 35 1:15 and throughout the old testament to see the future of Israel.  Everything that is happening in Israel and the Middle East today is written right in the Bible.